X-Culture: A Highly Sought After Skill Set

Guest Blogger: Chris Fox, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business student

My professor, Mr. Muth, convinced me to take this course after I had already signed up for another elective. I was sold once he explained the X Culture project. The idea of the X Culture project really intrigued me. Even though I have worked on projects with other international students at Florida Tech, this project would be my first experience with a global virtual team. Few students are given this opportunity, and I think it will be great for all participants that are willing to take full advantage of the experience.

So far, the project is meeting my expectations. Most of our communications have been to exchange names and background information. I’ve learned that my fellow group members have diverse backgrounds, so our final outcome should reflect the different viewpoints that we all possess. Our next big step is to move the majority of our communications to the team’s Facebook page. Even though e-mail will still be used, we will rely heavily on Facebook to possibly eliminate most of the lag associated with e-mail.

Even though we are working on a recommendation for a company, I believe that the group experience will offer more benefits than our end result. Experience with global virtual teams is becoming a highly sought skill as the business world continues to globalize. By adding this experience to my skill set, I hope to be better equipped as i enter the job market.


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