“If you love what you’re doing, then you’re doing it right.”

Corey Weigand is putting her passion for aerospace engineering to work at Larsen Motorsports, where she has spent the last five years working on jet dragsters.  

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am an avid reader and surprisingly also a competitive shooter. I’ve been shooting since I was five years old and have competed in several different disciplines. I love camping, travelling, and jet engines. I’ve been working at Larsen Motorsports for around 5 years now and love getting to work on jet dragsters everyday!

What inspired you to pursue a STEM education and career?

Growing up, I always loved reading and writing and assumed I would do something in those fields until I realized that I was always wondering how things worked and wanting to know why they worked the way they did, which is definitely something I got from my father. That made me realize that my true passion was the thrill of figuring things out and trying to improve them.

What do think are some of the most shared/common challenges women in STEM fields encounter?

Women have to work twice as hard as men because we have to overcome those who doubt the capabilities of our gender and their preconceived notions. Breaking into the boy’s club is difficult and sometimes it seems impossible but you just have to keep trying and stay positive.

How have you overcome obstacles/challenges as a woman in STEM?

Keeping a positive attitude and staying confident are key to overcoming obstacles.

What one takeaway would you want to impart on a young woman thinking of pursuing an education/career in STEM?

If you love what you’re doing, then you’re doing it right.

What is an aspect of being a woman in STEM you were surprised to discover?

I was surprised to find how many people tell me to “rock on” because they love to see young women chasing after their dreams in the STEM fields.

In your experience, what are the top things leaders could do to encourage more young women to enter STEM fields?

I think we all need to be involved in this one, because the problem is a lot closer to home. It comes from how we talk to girls vs. boys. All children start off curious about the world around them and then slowly, young girls become less and less interested. I think a lot of that has to do with how people react and the things they say when girls show an interest in science and math. So really, I think the answer to this question is to think before we speak. Stop complimenting little girls on their dresses and start complimenting them on the book in their hand or the frog they just caught.

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