Evans Library’s Favorite Banned Books: The Giver

by Nelle Robb, Senior Library Technician

Nelle RobbThe Giver, by Lois Lowry

This book was assigned to me in elementary school.

I hated it.

I hated the society, the rules, everything about it. At the time, I lacked the ability to describe it, but I instinctively rebelled against the defined Stepford-esque structure of the society, hated the idea that someone else chose the career that would define an entire life. I would have stopped reading were it not an assignment.

But then something magical happened. The protagonist, Jonas, was given a glimpse past the “perfection”… and reacted much the way I did. I was both disturbed by the truth and impatient to see what he would do about it. I read ahead of the class, and continue to read dystopian fiction to this day.

I can see that this book disturbs people — that’s what it’s supposed to do. But just because it disturbs you, that doesn’t mean it should be banned. In fact, it should be promoted. These books get people thinking — thinking about the book, about their personal beliefs, and the world around them. And that’s a good thing.

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