How to Tell if a Software Engineering Degree is Right for You

Software engineers develop and maintain software that organizations and individuals use to do all kinds of different things, from communicating with friends and loved ones to doing their taxes each year. Are you interested in pursuing a software engineering degree? Read on to learn more about some common characteristics of professionals in this field.

Do you have what it takes to develop the next big software program?

software engineering degree
Software development is a constantly changing and advancing field.

You Might Be a Software Engineer If . . .

There may be some signs that you would be well-suited to a software engineering career. First of all, you should be good at handling frustration and problems. Having a good track record of solving problems is a plus as well. Developing software isn’t easy; problems are inevitable, and you will encounter many puzzles to solve as a software engineer.

Having a long-time fascination with computers and technology also helps those who want to become software engineers. It’s difficult to believe that you won’t get tired of the complexity of developing software if you haven’t been passionately interested in how computers and technology work for a long period of time.

If trying new things excites you, you will have an advantage in developing new software, which is always changing at a rapid rate. Just think of what software was like even five or ten years ago, and you will get an idea of how fast things can change in software in a very short period of time.

Having intrinsic motivation is important for software engineers, who spend a lot of time coding, troubleshooting, and fixing a good many mistakes that happen along the way. Not only that, but you don’t typically have a manager looking over your shoulder. It would be fairly easy to get bogged down in a project and fail to finish it or meet deadlines if you didn’t have the focus, patience and internal motivation.

software engineering degree
Software development often happens in teams and groups, not alone.

A Software Engineering Degree at Florida Tech

A software engineering degree from Florida Tech offers top-notch preparation for a career in this ever-changing field. Students gain a foundation in computer science and coding skills so they understand how to meet present and future needs with software and can develop tools that really work.

Seniors in the program work together to design a software application that meets a real-world need identified by the group. Some of these applications are entered into competitions or presented to employers and industry leaders for feedback or other consideration.

Florida Tech software engineering graduates have been recruited by major companies like IBM, Microsoft, EA Games, GE, and Mozilla. Some go on to graduate programs at schools like U.C. Berkley, Stanford, MIT, UCLA, and Yale.

Florida Tech has state-of-the-art computing facilities with the latest in tools and resources students can use to learn and complete projects. Internship opportunities are plentiful and can help students develop the professional contacts they need to find employment or start their own business after graduation. Would you like some additional information? Learn more about our software engineering program today!


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